CEU eTD Collection (2018); Péter, Krisztina: 'Wie die truck sagt...' Transmission of News from Print to Manuscript in the Diary of Hermann von Weinsberg

CEU Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2018
Author Péter, Krisztina
Title 'Wie die truck sagt...' Transmission of News from Print to Manuscript in the Diary of Hermann von Weinsberg
Summary The thesis is devoted to the Cologne burgher Hermann von Weinsberg (1518-1597). In his vast diary, which is one of the main sources of the history of sixteenth-century Cologne, Weinsberg collected many topical news items, partly based on printed news. The thesis aims to study the methods Weinsberg selected, described, edited and interpreted his news material through the examination of some selected items of news. The comparisons with the original texts highlights the characteristics of the printed news as well, showing the similarities and differences between pamphlets and newsletters made for sale and private records in terms of information gathering, accuracy, elaboration, style, commentaries, etc. The aim of the study is to examine these interactions and transitions between the different genres, between print and manuscript.
Supervisor Szende, Katalin; Jaritz, Gerhard
Department Medieval Studies MA
Full texthttps://www.etd.ceu.edu/2018/peter_krisztina.pdf

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